At Bandalier, we believe that regardless of location, experience, or how large your personal network is, people with the right attitudes and aptitudes should have access to a great career. That’s why we offer one-on-one career coaching that’s tailored to each team member’s aspirations.

To support our mission of connecting untapped talent to unique opportunities with fast-growing companies, we want to learn as much as we can about our team members’ career goals. Our People Team realized we needed to speak to our team about new opportunities more frequently. With this goal in mind, our career services department was created.

Establishing Interests

Career development planning begins when a team member joins Bandalier. During their first week in our paid training program, Bandalier University, each new team member meets with our HR team one-on-one. They discuss their background, interests, short-term goals, and long-term career aspirations. As we evaluate opportunities for each team member, we use the details they shared to select the role that is most likely to lead them to long-term success.

Since the majority of our team members are new to their field, we know that giving and receiving consistent feedback is key to their career development. Each week, they meet with their Program Manager to discuss their progress toward their goals. Each month, we ask our team to complete a monthly survey reflecting on their career goals and how things may have changed since their last conversation with our Career Services team. To make sure everyone stays on track, we schedule quarterly one-on-one reviews with each team member. We use this time to discuss their career track, how Bandalier can continue to best support them in their development, and how they’re enjoying their current program.

These conversations allow us to continue advocating for team members’ career goals. In many cases, team members are happy with their first client and the career opportunities that follow – Meghan Berke’s story is an excellent example. On occasion, a team member’s first program may not align with their long-term career goals. In these scenarios, we use feedback from the team member’s client and their program manager to evaluate new opportunities for them.

Ongoing Career Coaching

Our career services department has been integral in creating successful outcomes for our team members. Whether that means helping them connect with the right client for their first program, coaching them as they grow with our leadership team, or helping them connect with new opportunities through our alumni network, we’re excited to help our team members build a career with Bandalier. Because of the impact we’ve seen this have on our internal team, we are excited to now extend our career service offerings to alumni!

Our goal is to turn Bandalier into a lifelong resource that alumni can utilize to continue advancing their careers. These lifetime alumni perks include:

  • Access to our exclusive community of 100+ alumni working for some of America’s fastest-growing companies
  • Free access to new content and courses in BandalierU (ex: leadership training, down funnel sales training, CS 201 training)
  • Free access to Bandalier workshops, live training sessions, and ongoing coaching
  • Exclusive access to job opportunities with leading tech companies in our partner network
  • First access to senior internal job openings at Bandalier
  • Quarterly career consultations with our HR team

Interested in joining a team that will assist you with your career development for life? Take a look here at our current openings!